Trained Adult German Shepherds and AKC Registered Puppies

Our German Shepherd Puppies
Producing the best German Shepherd puppies for you and your family is a combination of sound genetics, indepth health testing, early puppy socialization and intentional raising of our pups.
When you purchase an Audax German Shepherd puppy, you have the peace of mind knowing your puppy has a solid foundation and you are set up for a successful experience with your German Shepherd.
We will work with you to place the best German Shepherd puppy in your home who's drives and personality fit you and your long term goals with your German Shepherd dog.
German Shepherd Puppies
Breeder Support is Paramount
Placing an Audax German Shepherd puppy in your home is the start of a journey and our relationship with you. We are here to support our clients through the life of your German Shepherd dog. We are always happy to answer questions, receive updates and hear your concerns. This is why we include so much with each German Shepherd puppy that we place.
All vom Haus Audax German Shepherd Puppies include all of the following:
AKC registration
A Written Guarantee
A 5 year Genetic Health Guarantee
Hip & Elbow Guarantee
If a replacement is required, as laid out in the details of the guarantee,
we do not require you to return your dog to receive a replacement. -
Lifetime Group Obedience Training Classes at Audax K9 Academy
Lifetime Breeder Support
All dogs are in good health, current on vaccinations and have received a clean bill of health from our veterinarian. If the dog you're interested in purchasing has not received a wellness exam in the last 6 months, we will have one done prior to taking your dog home.
Written instructions on how to successfully integrate your dog into your home and lifestyle.
If life circumstances lead to the need to rehome or surrender your dog, we ask you return your dog to Audax.
Please contact us to review our complete guarantee prior to purchase.
#1 German Shepherd Puppies
Puppy socialization starts during the first weeks of life.
Birth to 10 weeks:
Our whelping process includes a wide range of social, physical and mental conditioning work with each of our German Shepherd puppies.
In the first weeks of life, this includes Early Neurological Stimulation or ENS. ENS is a combination of 5 simple and low stress exercises done once a day between days 3 - 16 to encourage the neurological system to rebound and process stress faster and better, to grow and develop the puppies immune system and cardiovascular system allowing our dogs to live their fullest life.
We work on noise and environmental counter conditioning with each and every puppy. We systematically introduce them to new surface types including hardwood floors, tile flooring, decks, concrete, gravel, carpet, etc so they are comfortable and confident on all surfaces. This includes introducing them to different areas of our home and our outdoor world so that they are the most well rounded, empowered and resilient puppies you could desire. Another aspect of counter conditioning we do is introducing our puppies to obnoxious noises while they are eating. When we introduce meal times, we cue Alexa to play "fire truck sirens", "firework sounds", etc or we vacuum. Because we are pairing these noises with meal time, the noises are being conditioned to create positive emotions in our pups instead of fear responses. We are huge proponents of pairing food with experience to help make every experience a positive experience.
We also provide a wealth of enrichment in our puppy play areas including a variety of toys, surface types, pet cots, igloos with cedar shavings, fitness balance boards and more.
We also provide an experience that includes many of the aspects of the Puppy Culture program. A personal favorite of mine is puppy manding. This is shaping the puppies that they get food and attention for 'demanding' by doing the things we want. I choose to shape all my puppies to mand by sitting calmly when greeting people. Sitting = attention and rewards. We encourage you to continue this with your new puppy.
We play with and discover the drive level of each puppy.
Our children are heavily involved in this process and provide a very valuable social experience for each puppy. We observe and evaluate each puppy’s motivation and personality to help match the puppy to a home that will best suit their character.